Sunday, May 31, 2020

Sourdough Starter Pancakes

  • 2 large eggs
  • 245g (1 cup) whole milk
  • 61g (1/4 cup) Greek yogurt (optional)
  • 250g (1 1/2 cup, stirred down) sourdough starter
  • 4g (1 teaspoon) vanilla (optional)
  • 180g (1 1/2 cups) soft white wheat, sifted to #60 (you will need to mill close to 300 grams to get 180g sifted)
  • 6g (1 teaspoon) baking soda
  • 4g (1 teaspoon) baking powder
  • 5g (1 teaspoon) sea salt
  • 50g (1/4 cup) granulated sugar
  • 63g (1/4 cup or 1/2 stick) melted butter

  1. Beat eggs in a medium bowl. 
  2. Add milk, yogurt (optional), sourdough starter, and optional vanilla. Stir to incorporate.
  3. Sift together flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt, and sugar. Add dry mix to the egg mixture, mixing well. Stir in melted butter
  4. Wait about 30 minutes to let your sourdough starter get going just a bit.
  5. Lightly grease a smokin’ hot griddle. Drop the batter onto the griddle and cook until light brown and bubbles start to appear on top, then flip to cook the other side. Refrain from flipping multiple times.
  6. You might need to adjust the amount of milk depending on the stiffness of your sourdough starter and your preferred batter consistency. The above ingredients work well for my liquid starter; if you’re using a stiff starter, you might want to add around 1/2 cup more milk.

Overnight fermentation option:

Another option for these pancakes is to let the batter ferment overnight in the same way the waffles are done, above. Combine the milk, sugar, and flour with the sourdough starter the night before. In the morning add the baking soda, baking powder, melted butter, salt, and vanilla. Then separate the egg yolks from the whites, whisk the whites to stiff peaks and slightly scramble the yolks in another bowl. Fold both in just before making the pancakes.



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